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What are everyone’s thoughts on having access to an at home fetal Doppler? First time mom here at 14 wks and some change and just want to have the option of hearing little Miss’ heartbeat in between doctors appointments. Most of my research has said don’t do it, because of false hopes, etc and not going to the doctors if something seems wrong, but that’s definitely not my personality. I’ve been over cautious and called or texted my doctor for any concerns. Just curious on what other mamas thoughts and options are on them!
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I asked my obgyn and she suggested that I wait till about 20 weeks to use it to avoid any extra anxiety (by having a hard time finding the heartbeat)
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I got lucky, my husbands friend had one and he’s letting us borrow it.
We’ve had luck hearing babys heartbeat 2x so far with the at home doppler (i’m 11w 4d) . It was easy for me to differentiate between babys and my own heartbeat, i also had my apple watch tracking mine to make sure I wasn’t getting them mixed up.
I’d say as long as you won’t panic if you can’t find it right away go for it.
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It’s cool to use to HEAR it, not measure. It helped me a ton with anxiety during first pregnancy. He was positioned so well for it the entire time and I found it with no issues after week 14/15. Now however, she seems to be in a different position and even my OB has trouble finding her �� so I won’t be trying at home so I won’t freak out.
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I love mine! Used it last pregnancy, and just got it out again for this pregnancy. Used it 2 days ago and found the heartbeat after a couple mins. I’m 16 weeks :)
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There isn’t much research on how frequent use of an at home doppler can affect the baby, so if you do get one, I’d say get a high quality one and don’t use it often.
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My mom had one with my brother 16 years ago and loved it so I got one. I could only reliably hear my baby’s heartbeat at around 12 weeks if he was in a good position. I also know I can’t trust my Doppler because sometimes I hold the wand in the air and it shows a bpm number on the screen despite it being in the literal air and having no sound..however, I use it mostly to LISTEN. For example yesterday I used it and heard the train chugging fast sound and knew that was him. The monitor showed no numbers whatsoever. So take it all with a pinch of salt and pay attention to the sound more than the number, they aren’t always majorly accurate for that. A couple weeks ago I couldn’t find it but the same day my midwife appointment found the heartbeat within 10 seconds with her highly powerful one and showed a 160 heartbeat. Mine at home didn’t show anything close. So my best advice is try it for your peace of mind but remember they aren’t as strong as the ones at the office! Use it mostly to listen for, not so much the number it shows because they aren’t always accurate in my experience.
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I second this! The numbers on the screen on mine aren’t super accurate but what matters is the sound of the heartbeat! You can manually calculate it if you want but I just like hearing it every now and then.
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Also a first time mom and I bought one after an early midwife appointment after she couldn’t find the heartbeat on the Doppler. I was already anxious and buying one and using it between appointments is the only thing that has kept me sane. They also couldn’t find it at 14 weeks and I went home, used my Doppler I had and found it immediately. The next day I returned and they found it in the spot I directed them to. Personally it has been a lifesaver for me
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I am almost 14 weeks and I love having mine! It’s just for fun for my husband and I to hear baby boy from time to time at home we use it maybe once or twice a week. I’ve been able to find his heartbeat since about 10 weeks and each time I try I’ve found it in just a few seconds so we only use it for less than a minute each time. (Baby is very low like right above pubic bone) My OBGYN actually suggested it to me at my 8 week appt. Honestly I think the one I have sounds better than the one they use at my Obgyn, my 12 week appt they found the heartbeat but it was a lot of static and hard to hear, mine at home is nice and clear. Once I start feeling baby move I’ll probably stop using it. But until then it’s nice and a fun way to bond with baby.
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I have one but refuse to use it this soon. I’ll probably wait until after I feel the first kick. I had a good US yesterday and will have one next week so that will hold me over until I’m ready to use.
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I personally would not, but I understand wanting to!
"In 2014, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised against using fetal dopplers. The only time you should use a doppler, the FDA says, is when a doctor is using it, in which case it is medically necessary.
There isn’t any research that shows that ultrasounds are harmful, but it’s best to err on the side of caution when it comes to your baby’s health. As an FDA biomedical engineer explains, “Ultrasound can heat tissues slightly, and in some cases, it can also produce very small bubbles (cavitation) in some tissues.” "
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