Morgan County Democrat from McConnelsville, Ohio (2024)

ttiimiimii-I 'i 1 3 14 H--' -Is K. -lift i I ft. 'ft 4 I' fl? IT, ibL.Al'j in If- r'lin III --n-y i'''" Page Four A flfeCoBOolBTille, Ohio RAYMOND DURBIN. Kdltor and Bishopville tiunii Community Club Picnic The Bishopville C. C.

C. will holtl fUeir annual picnic in the "Old Bishopville Grove," next Sunday Aug. 14. A good time to visit with old friends. Let everyone remem ber the date.

Come bring your basket. Some of the young people from here visited ''Old Man's Cave," Sun day. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Christmas Day.

They all report a good time, and state is no use going out of good old Ohio to see sights. Rev. and Mrs. Miles E. Hoon and daughter Marilyn, of New Marsh field, visited Mr.

and Mrs. W. Hoon Saturday. Miss Jessie M. Wilson and her mother, had as their guests Wed nesday and Thursday, Mrs.

Hettie Chappalear of Akron, and Mrs. jane Blackburn of Chesterhill. P. M. Smith and family had for their Sunday dinner guests, Mr.

and Mrs. Carlos Welling, and daughter Vernice of Taylor Ridge. Mrs. Hall Chapman and two children of Coolville are visiting at father's I. L.

Fall's this week. Christmas Day of Columbus, is spending a few days here with his family. J. W. Moody, Moody, Frank Tedicord, Mrs.

Adaline Mrs. Flora Smith attended the Lewis homecoming, Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Withem and daughter Miss Rosa visited Mr. and Mrs Hoon Sunday evening.

Mrs. Alda Lovell spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Mary Wilson and daughter Miss Jessie. Raymond Hambel is with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.

Millard Kasler. Little Anna Bee Bryson, of Columbus, is visiting her sifter Mary Joe, and her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. M.

Watkins. Chas. William Milhoan is spending the week over at Burr Oak with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Milhoan.

Miss Marguerite McDonald, and Miss Dorothy Milhoan visited at Alden Wells' Saturday. Raymond Robinson and family spent Sunday at Palos, with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Carpenter. Mrs.

Bertha Carpenter, son Junior and daughter Miss Mary Lee, called on folks here Thursday. A class of "Loyal Volunteers" was organized at the church here last Thursday evening. Officers elected were: H. E. Jones, Pres.

Hattie Hoon, Sec. Time of meeting is Thursday evening of each week. Anyone not joining the class can take the work, if interested. Democratic Slate Convention Assurances that other states will manifest their interest in the Ohio Democratic meeting opening the presidential campaign, by sending delegations, have been received by W. A.

Julian, of Cincinnati, Democratic national committeeman. Plans thus far completed by Walter F. Heer, general chairman of the convention arrangements committee, provide for an opening session of the 1100 delegates and 1100 alternates Friday evening, August 3 9, and a second session Saturday morning. These will be held in the Columbus auditorium with U. S.

Senator Robert J. Bulkley presiding as keynoter and temporary Chairman, The Roosevelt meeting will be at the stadium of the Columbus ball club to provide the greatest available accommodations for the crowd which will be attracted to the capital from all counties of the state. It is estimated that it will afford seats for 25,000 persons. Delivery of Gov, Roosevelt's address beginning at 4 p. Saturday, will take place in a setting that, except for the absence a roof, will be much like that presented at the Chicago stadium when he closed the national convention with his speech of acceptance.

His message will be broadcast over a nationwide radio hookup embraced in the Red network. Sessions of the convention, at which a state platform will be adopted and presidential electors will be chosen, are to bo broadcast in detail over station WCAHj Columbus. Htntered at the postofrrce at Ohio, second daaa matter. Subscription 31 SO per year. In THURSDAY, AUGUST 11,1932 MUSKINGUM VALLEY'S GREAT ROAD Work the new road construction leadi'ng from this place to Beverly, is moving along splendidly, and unless something unfore seen happens, will be completed by the date set for completion.

The state highway department is now advertising for bids for the stretc of road leading from Gaysport to Duncan Falls, and the letting same will be soon. This piece of road will be over a route easy construction, and unless the weather interferes, will likely be com pleted before winter sets in. This will close the last gap between Zanesville and Marietta, and what a wonderful highway it will be There will be none finer in the state and none in the state will com pare with it in scenic grandeur. We predict that it will be one the most extensively traveled highways in Ohio. This new con crete road replaces a fine tar bound road between this place and Ma rietta, and it seemed almost like a waste of money to build it.

How ever it is a federal road project, and since the government had the money for road purposes, we are glad that it was spent ou this piece of road. Sr We have a suggestion that we take the liberty of making, and I $hat is regarding the numbers designating this road as at present not speaking of its number, it will probably be classed as the Valley Highway yet this road at present has tw route is from Zanesville to this place, it is "77 and from here to Marietta it is "37." This is confusing to say the least A tourist for example at Zanesville who would inquire thje way to Marietta, would be told to take road No. 77. To follow 77 to thr place, all well and good, but if he keeps on following this route number, he will land at Sharpsburg. where 77 merges with No.

50 N. Suppose the tourist is at Marietta and asks for the route num her to Zanesville. he will be directed to take No. 37, which he will ioilow to this place, then to follow 37 would take him to New Lex ington and Lancaster. A direct road down the valley, such as this is, should carrv the same number clear through.

Kimble and A Inception At Mrs. F. B. Smith's Mrs. Frank B.

Smith gave a re ception Monday afternoon at he home "The Hills," in honor of her daughter Mrs. Harry Thomas P'Pool of Orlando, who is visiting her The hours were from 3 to 5, and 55 guests were present. In a pro gram rendered, Mrs. H. V.

Edwards gave a chalk talk, and Mrs. Jerrold G. Scott sang a solo, playing her own accompaniment. Refreshments were served on the lawn. The hos tess was assisted in the serving Mrs.

John Adams and Mrs. Ray Smith, in the dining room. Mrs Paul Scott served the punch, Miss Charlotte Wilson the sandwiches and Mrs. Clair Young served the cake. The occasion was a most enjoy able one for all.

Chesterhill Mrs. Alta Reed and daughter Marian Reed and Mr. and Mrs. D. Zumbro of Revenna who hav been on a sight seeing trip through Washington and other places of in terest the past week, returned to their home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Barnes of Lima were week end guests of G. Hill's and Kinsey girls.

Mrs. Barnes remained tor a longer visit. Dr. A. H.

WhitacYe and were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs L. Sames of Columbus. Mrs. Xellie Grigsby and daughter Lucille motored Thursday to Man? field, where they spent a few day: with Mr.

and Mrs. V. L. Carson. Ger trude Grigsby who has been spend ing her vacation there, will return home with them.

Miss Eline Hunt of Crooksville visiting Miss Lucille Miller. Catherine McPeak spent the week end with her mother. Mrs. C. E.

Gilpin is remodelin her house on Main street, with new windows and floors. Merril Cain spent the week end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. C.

D. Zumbro who have been spending the past few weeks with relatives, left for their home in Ravenna, Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Miller and daughter spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs. Robert Griffith of Crooksville Arthur Starling has bought the Sam Fisher property on Mill street, better known as the Carl Michener place.

They will take possession Oct. 1. Donald Love and his aunt Jennie Xiceswanger have moved from the Harry Dobbins place west of Chesterhill, into the Anna Doudna property. Misses Beulah Fawcett and Ver da Riley visited last week with Rev. Derrick and family of Coolville, and ittended the Coolville camp meeting.

Dock Morin and family of Newark were Sunday guests of S. Zumbro. Mrs. Chas. Harris and two children were also guests at the Zumbro home.

C. E. Bode and family attended the Otman reunion at Harriettsville, Sunday. Arthur Wood who has employ ment in Pittsburgh, is home for a two weeks vacation. Carl Quinn will move next week from the Osborn Smith home into the D.

W. Brill property in Sharpsburg. Betty Lou Woodward is quite ill with enteritis. Delphine Shook burned her hand severely last week, while frying meat. Bertha Patton of Barnesville, a former teacher at McConnelsville, spent a few days last week at the home of Carl and Edith Patterson, visiting her former schoolmates, George and Dortha Patterson.

Dorothy Williams iB quite ill with intestinal trouble. The young people's band will give free concert on the public square Thursday evening. This band has about 20 young people, tfid is under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. H- Michener and A.

F. PattersonCarl Patterson and wife antf George Patterson and wife attended the annual picnic of Ohio Friends, held at Harlem Springs, Carl Paterson making the principal address. Rex Lindsay and Genevieve Carnes of Mansfield were week end guests of D. P. Gardner and wife.

Anna Lydia Carter of Plainfield, alter spending feeveral days --T- 1 JSJfW Pf The Morgan County Democra visiting her sister, Dortha Patted son, returned home the first of th week. Mrs. Peebles and son Carlos Edward of New Marshfield are visiting Will Peebles and wife. Miss Lillian Todd who has been working near McConnelsville a few months, has returned to her home in Chesterhill. Mrs.

Eva Thompson and daugh ter Juanita of Springfield have been visiting her brother Hugh Ellis Mrs. Thompson called on friends here Sunday evening. Mrs. Charlie Taylor of Zanes ville has been visiting her sister Mrs. Brooks Curry.

Eloise and Evelyn Calendine of Columbus have been visiting here the past week. Evangelistic services will be held at the high school gymnasium Thursday evening. Rev. Durham will be the speaker. Chesterhill baseball tqpm played Hemmer Ice Cream ball team Sun day, Chesterhill winning.

Score to 2. An eight pound daughter was born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs Orlo Worden, near here. Has Heart Attack vPosfmaster C. A.

Ridgley suffered a'heart attack Tuesday, since which he has not been able to be at the postoffice. Spurrier Ridge Howard Adrian and family of Co lumbus, Mrs. Charles Rockie of Pa taskala, and Merle Adrian and fam ily of Chillicothe spent Tuesday with Fred Joy and wife. Aug. was Mrs.

Rockie's birthday. A very fine dinner was served to celebrate the occasion. Birthday Surprise A surprise dinner was prepared for Mrs. Hannah Woolman, Sunday Her birthday does not occur until YOU NEED IT NOW A A Cf, i I R.sultry IGHT the hot, "dog days" of your need of a General Electric Refrigerator is apparent every hour. Food spoilage is at its peak and you pay its price in actual dollars and cents.

Why not stop wasting and start saving? Let the money you are now losing pay for a General bring your family the added pleasure of cool, crisp salads, chilled drinks and delicious frozen desserts that are easy to inexpensive. A General Electric Refrigerator is The matchless mechanism in its hermetically sealed Monitor Top has established an unparalleled record for uninterrupted performance. Cabinets are full-sized, all-steel and gleaming white. Sliding shelves bring food within easy reach, increase cabinet capacity, enable you to utilize every inch of storage space. Invest in a General Electric today.

Save as you pay. Prices and terms are the lowest in history. $10 down starts the world's finest refrigeration service ia your home. Fays for a A.LL- PER General Oedric. GENERA! RIG ELECT STEEL REFRIGERATOR The MILLER Furniture Co.

McConnelsville, Ohio vAv ti: £. Friday, Aug. 12. Those present were Edgar Lowe an! three children of Zanesville Mr. and Mrs.

Cunning ham and child of Guysville Rut Williams of Athens James McEl fresh and wife, Ernest McElfresh and wife, Dennis Hallowell and family, Harrison Moore and family Mrs. Joe Ball and son Gerald and wife and child, Ned and Mary Mc Elfresh, Roy Swab, Harvey Hal lowell and wife. Mrs. Dennis Hal lowell had a very fine A very enjoyable time was had by everyone present. Joy Glass and family are visit ing with J.

L. Glass and wife. Charley Ellis and family of New comerstown are spending a few days with Mrs. Melissa Waynier and daughter Dora. Wrigbtstown Homecoming Homecoming at Wrightstown will be held Sunday, Aug.

14 Everyone should make an effort to be present. A fine time is antici pated. Stockport Rt. 3 Grange will meet in regular ses sion Friday evening, Aug. 12.

Let there be a good attendance. The ball game played Sunday af Windsor Athletics vs. Tabor, was 10 to 2 in favor of the former. A large crowd was present. On Sunday afternoon Aug.

14, Pennsville team will play Athletics on the latter's diamond. Next meeting of the Farmerette club will be entertained at the hom of Mrs. Cecil Davis, Aug. 17. Word has been received that Mrs Howard Shuster who is at Columbus where she underwent an operation is getting along well.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Murphey who have been at Columbus, where the former was at the Grant hospital for treatment, returned home Sat urday.

Mr. Murphey is showing some improvement. Claredon Hosom, daughter Miss Leona, and son James of Parkers burg, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.

P. Hosom. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hooper and children were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs.

Leonard Cai end i ne. Charles Thorpe of Columbii spent Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Watson. On Saturday Mrs.

Watson returned home with for a visit with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Burner of Parkersburg spent Thursday wit? Mr. and Mrs.

E. R. McAtee. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Vance and children of Bristol, Tenn, are visit ing Mrs. Vance's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Tennant. Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. Murphey and Mrs. Lizzie Davis of this-place and Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Davis and family of Zanesville visited Sunday at the home of Elmer Gheen and wife at Neelyville. Miss Captola Calendine spent last week with her grandparents Mr. and Lee Mell at McConnelsville. Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd Hendershot and children were guests Sunday of relatives at Lower Salem. Louise White is visiting hoi father Earl White at Zanesville. Mrs. Eli Robinson and Mrs Walter Rollison spent Saturday night with their brother Roy Bamfield and family at Bristol, Portersville On Trip to California Riley Bankes, Lee Carpenter, Frank Nelson, Carl Masterson and Ray Appleman left Tuesday for trip to California.

Tliey will visit noted places of interest throughout the western states. Mrs. William Kent who has been suffering from high blood pressure, i3 some better. Remember the all day meeting at Zion church next Sunday. Sunday school at 9:30.

Preaching at 10:30. Basket dinner at noon, in the Community hall. Program in the afternoon. Dale Campbell and Jimmie Miller left Tuesday for a trip through th west. There will be Sunday school at 9:30 at the Portersville M.

church, Sunday, August 14. Mrs. M. O. Smith is still improv ing, and able to be up part of thtime.

George Sidwell and family hav moved into the Mrs. Ella Curry property. Mrs. Mat Williams of Akron ha been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alber Bankes.

Frank Price remains about th same. Return from Baltimore Mr. and Mrs. M. R.

Iff-aring ro- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that thi roara of County Commissioners Morgan Country, Ohio, will receive scaled bids up until one o'clock p. August 20th, 1032, for surfacing th llowing projects with stone and gravel as per the following proposals: Proposal No. 2 is for gravel loading, hauling and spreading. Proposal xo. js or McConnelsville, OliiojThursday, August 11, 1932 stone ing, hauling and spreading.

Proposal No. 3 is for stone furnishing, crushing, hauling and spreading. Deerfleld No. 25-1, approximately 410 cu. yds.

gravel. Prop. No. 2. Deerfleld No.

H3-1, approximately 815 cu. yds. gravel. Prop. No.

2. Deerfleld No. 55-2, approximately 32(10 cu. yds. gravel.

Prop. Homer No. -1-2. approximately cu. yds.

stone. Prop. No. 2. Homer No.

85-2, approximately cu. yds. stone. Prop. No.

2. Homer No. 86-1, approximately cu. yds. stone.

Prop. No. 3. Malta No. 2-3, approximately cu.

yds. gravel. Prop. No. 2.

Malta No. 8-1, approximately cu. yds. gravel. Prop.

No. 2. 650 97f 650 900 1960 York No. 84-1, approximately 910 cu. yds.

stone. No. 2. York No. 54-2.

approximately cu yds. stoiKv Prop. No. 2. York No.

75-2, approximately 450 650 cu. yds. stone. Prop. No.

3. Harley Bush Road, approximately 500 cu. yds. gravel. Prop.

No. 2. Morgan No. 29-2, approximately 200 cu. yas.

gravel. Prop. No. 2. Said labor to be done according to specifications laid down by the Hoard of County Commissioners and now on file in the office of the County Surveyor.

The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Contracts will be made with those whose bids are accepted and give good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of their duties. Bids must be accompanied by cash a certified check amounting to 5 percent or of the estimate. li. W.

GORDON, Ila2 Clerk of Board, turned home Sunday, after spendiug two weeks in Baltimore, where Mr. Hearing had been in the hospital for treatment of his eyes. He is some better, but suffering pain. Earl Xelson and wife of Indiana spent part of last week with his brother Bert JCeleon and other relatives. His nephew, Robert Moore, returned home with them, Misses Ina and Mae Nelson entertained the young people of Zion Sunday school, Friday evening.

PemtsvilJe At Picnic The anual Embree picnic and homecoming was held at the park Thursday. A very fine large crowd gathered in the morning to enjoy the fine program. There were more than 500 registered. The following contests were enjoyed in the afternoon: Fat man's race, W. H.

Penrose Was first balloon blowing contest, Junior Hook 1st Paul 2nd Sherman Hickerson, 3rd boys' race, 6-12 years, Gerald Dougan, 1st David Hickerson, 2nd Ross Finley, 3rd girls 50 6-12 years, Eula Carr, 1st, Hayes, 2nd boys 12-16 years, 100 yd. race. Paul Hanlin, 1st, Delmar Wallace, 2nd, Marion Hickerson, 3rd girls 12-16 years 100 yd. race, Merle Price, 1st, Pauline Triplett, 2nd, Lucille Rouanzoin, 3rd sack race over 16 years, Marion Hickerson 1st, John Gifford, 2nd three legged race, Dean Benjamin and Conrad Pierpoint, 1st, David Hickerson and Ross Finley, 2nd wheel barrow race, Paul Thompson and Chas. Penrose, 1st, Marion Hickerson and John, 2nd women volley ball, Perl Graham and Mrs.

Pickering rolling pin throw, Perl Former, 1st and Mrs. Lindimore, 2nd balloon bursting, 12.16 years, Emmett Gifford, 1st, Ross Finley, 2nd tug of war, married women vs. single, married women 1st, single, 2nd. Thoss from a distance who attended the picnic and some who remained for a visit were: Mrs. Edith Plummer and daughters, Martha and Helen of Cleveland, Mrs.

Geo. Carr and two children of Logan, Mrs. Lulu Gifford and two children of New Lexington, Mrs. Freda Wilson and four children of LaRue, Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Limbach and children of Waynesburg, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bain and Mr.

and Mrs. Dale Bain of Utica, Mrs. Sylvia Hotchkiss and daughter of Newark, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Janes and daughter of Pataskala, Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Mercer and children of New Lexington, Mr. and Mrs.

Bert Williams and family and and Mrs. John Giles of Our Dry Goods Dep'l Offers Exceptional Values in Domestics Crashes Voiles Prints Cretonnes Table Damasks Sheets Pillow Cases Ladies' and Children's Silk Underwear Ladies' and Children's Hosiery Big Assortment of STAMPED GOODS at 1-2 and more off. Many, many other items all priced at Real Bargain Prices. Al! Ladies', Misses' and Children's Spring Summer Coats Wash and Silk Dresses AT FINAL CLEARANCE PRICES Our 9c Counter Offers you Real Bargains at all times SPKCIAL FKH'ES on a big assortment of Tapestry and Velvet Room Size Rugs A beautiful selection of guaranteed Felt Base Rugs, priced in size 9x12 up Japanese Grass Rugs in sizes 4x7, 5x8, 8x10 and 9x12, make inexpensive porch and bed room floor coverings. Priced at the lowest prices in years.

A.A. -a. ville, and Rev. L. J.

Sanford and family of Sarahsville. At Young People's Conference Rev. C. W. Cartwright, Claude Niceswanger, Albert Newsom, Frank Williams, Orville Wilson, Dorothy Campbell, Dorothy Davis, Faye Williams, Mary Newsora, Eva Louise Llewellyn and Alice Heskett left Monday morning for Sabina, where they will spend the week attending young people's conference.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Marshall of Winter Haven, arrived here Monday for a visit with her Bister Mrs. Geo.

Dougan and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dougan of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs.

Frank and children of Philo, Mr. Grant Gilmore and Aldene Dougan helped Mrs. Mary Gilmore to celebrate her birthday Sunday." When she came home from church was all prepared and on the table which was decorated with a beautiful big white cake with candles. Two packers of home made ice cream were enjoyed in the afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Ahle, sou Earl and daughter Ardith were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ridgely and family of Chesterhill. Dr.

and Mrs. C. V. Davis entertained at dinner Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs.

Jesse Rogers and four children of Canton, Mrs. Martha Sheridan and Mrs. Walter Campbell and daughter Elizabeth of McConnelsville. Mr. and Mrs.

George Little and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Penrose of Cleveland were over the week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Penrose. Mrs. Ethel Strode and daughter Jean of Amesville were visitors for supper Saturday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. George Lamson and son Phil Lamson and wife of Chicago are expected here Tuesday evening, for a day or two visit with Mrs. Will Penrose and husband and Grant Coulson. Westland Pleassint Hill Rev. Warden will preach at Pleasant Hill Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Subject, "What Price Religion." Sunday school at 1:30. People in the community don't know what they are missing by not hearing Rev. Mr. Warden. Everyone welcome at Sunday school.

Loren Harkins and daughter Betty of Zanesville and Mrs. Edith Harkins of Pennsville spent Saturday eight and Sunday at Paul Wells'. Mrs. Ethel Benjamin spent from Thursday until Saturday at Harry The Best Place To Shop In Morgan County Coulson's Invite You TO A "FAREWELL PARTY" FOR ALL SPRING and SUMMER APPAREL Drastic Reductions to Clear Our Racks and Shelves The Final Price-Cuts for Quick Action -Come and Save on the Many Bargains Offered Our High Quality Maintained and Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Instance Iindimore's of Malta. Miss Anna Wells returned homa Monday, from a trip on Lake Erie.

Mrs. J. A. McPeak is visiting at Fred Saunders' of Trimble and Q. T.

Strode'g of Mt. Herman. Mr. and Mrs. F.

S. Mclnturf, son Dwight and Mrs. Antle spent Wednesday at James Boyd's. Mrs. C.

L. Harris is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ella Morin and family of near Newark. Hubert Newman of Columbus is visiting at Wm. Turner's.

Mrs. Myrtle Simmons of Cbftini. bus is visiting at John Fonner's. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Vaughn of Columbus, spent the first of the week at Archie Hu mm el's. Howard Marxen returned home with them. He will attend Ohio State University, this winter. Pierce Strode of Columbus is speeding a few days in the neighborhood. Mrs.

Bessie Abel spent the week end at Harold Best's. DULL ROOMS CHEERFULI What a surprising difference a coat or two of LOWE BROTHERS MELLO-GLOSS makes in walls and ceilings. It gives them a lustrous, semi-gloss finish of lasting beauty and makes rooms much brighter and more cheerfuL MELLO-GLOSS comes in many popular shades and can be cleaned soap and water good cleaning compound. Ask for Lowe Brothers' free book on Home Decoration. "The Sears Pharmacy MCCONNELSVILLE.

OHIO First Nation-Wide Sale of Discontinued Styles Enna Jettick Shoes $3.45 $3.95 Nonn-Bnsh and Friendly Five Men's Dress Shoes SPECIAL QK and at up All Women's White and Light Colored Straps, Pumps and Oxfords at to off Clothing Values that you have not seen for years Including: Men's and Boys' Suits Dress and Work Pants Overall and Jackets Work and Dress Shirts Work and Dress Socks Dress Straw Hats Silk and Knit Ties Boys' Kaynee Wash Suits Men's and Boys' Shorts and Shirts and many other items all priced at Bargain Prices. Don't Fail To Get YOUR SHARE of Bargains Offered by Our Grocery Department, HMMmAMMIMItMr mi.

Morgan County Democrat from McConnelsville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.